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Using Your Welcome Sequence for Engagement Screening
Using Your Welcome Sequence for Engagement Screening

Want to use your welcome sequence to screen for your ideal readers? Here's a collection of emails you can use as inspiration.

Louis Nicholls avatar
Written by Louis Nicholls
Updated over a year ago

These emails are examples of content that you can include in your welcome sequence to effectively identify engaged readers in your target audience. They may not all apply to you but feel free to grab those that do.

👉 Questions about your screening process? Check with your account manager.

Intro to Your Newsletter

We always recommend starting with an introduction that gives really clear context as to how they joined the list, what they can expect, and a clear opportunity to unsubscribe at the top of the email. Example here.


  1. Remind the reader how they got on your list

  2. Pitch the reader on why they should reader your newsletter

  3. Provide a clear unsubscribe option near the top of the email

  4. Explain to the reader what they can expect over the next few days or weeks

  5. Tease your next email

If you choose to only include one email, it needs to be this one. This is crucial to properly onboarding subscribers you receive from recommendations.

Send a Free Resource

Send a clickable resource that your ideal reader would love. This helps extract clicks for your target readers and also establishes trust early in their onboarding that you’ll provide value.


  1. Find or create a valuable free resource that your target reader would love

  2. Tease your next email

Discover Their Biggest Challenge

Tell a story about how you got started doing what you’re doing and why it’s important to you. Ideally, you frame your start as wanting to overcome a challenge. Then, ask your new readers what their biggest problem is with X.

Provide 3-5 options and use link triggers to tag these subscribers as engaged (also store this information about them to use later in personalized content).


  1. Tell a story

  2. Share why this matters to you

  3. What challenge did you have

  4. Transition to reader

  5. Ask their biggest challenge and provide clickable options

  6. Tease your next email

Personal Introduction

Work to establish a personal relationship with your reader by sharing flagship content like podcast interviews, blog articles, or features in other publications. Explain to your readers who you are and what you do - why should they read emails from you? This is another great opportunity to elicit a click from your target audience.


  1. Make a personal introduction

  2. Share your hits (top posts, blog posts, and more)

  3. Invite them to connect with you on your main social channels

  4. Tease your next email

Introduce Your Offer

Create excitement around your product and explain why it exists. Be sure to include a link to a waitlist or the product itself. For best results, pitch a less expensive offer. Higher ticket offers tend to require a longer nurturing period before conversion.


  1. Explain a common problem you see with your audience

  2. Transition to your offer as a solution

  3. Optional: Offer a welcome discount

  4. Lower the perceived risk by using a guarantee

Share a Customer Story

How did your product change this person’s life for the better? What transformation did you facilitate and what specific results can you share to build trust? Be sure to include a link to a waitlist or the product itself.


  1. Introduce your reader to one of your customers

  2. Explain the challenge they had before purchasing from you

  3. Detail how your offer transformed that customer to an outcome that your target reader would love

  4. Share specific results to build trust

  5. Add a link to a waitlist or your product

Answer Common Objections

What are the most common reasons that people don’t buy your product? Do you have any stories that debunk those objections? The more emotion, the better. Be sure to include a link to a waitlist or the product itself.


  1. Introduce a common objection

  2. Share a story that debunks that objection

  3. Try to elicit a specific emotion from your reader

  4. Link to the product or the waitlist

Recap, Repitch, & Set Expectations

Recap the reader on your last several emails and explain what’s going to happen next. Set clear expectations so the reader has no doubt in their mind what their future experience will be. Restate the mission of your newsletter and repitch your welcome offer. If you have testimonials, include one so that you can show social proof. Get the reader excited about what they will learn now that they’re an official subscriber to your list.


  1. Recap on what you’ve covered

  2. Explain what’s going to happen next

  3. Restate your mission and repitch your welcome offer

  4. Include a testimonial or social proof

  5. Tease your upcoming emails

Breakup or Makeup

The day before your screening period ends, send an email to the readers who are not already marked as engaged. Since they haven’t engaged properly so far, allow them to unsubscribe or confirm their subscription.


  1. Filter for non-engaged referrals

  2. Explain that they can unsubscribe or they will be automatically removed

  3. Provide an opportunity to stay subscribed via a click

What Now?

From here, add the engaged subscribers to your regular email sends! The readers who clicked throughout this welcome sequence are the exact type of subscribers you want on your list. They were interested in your content and your free resources. They provided more information about themselves that you can use in later content.

Using the emails from this welcome sequence, you’ll be able to add highly engaged readers in your target audience to your list who are most likely to drive the outcomes you’re looking for.

👉 Questions about your screening process? Check with your account manager.

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