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Set up coupon codes as a reward
Set up coupon codes as a reward

Offer unique coupon codes to subscribers who bring in referrals using these steps.

Manuel Frigerio avatar
Written by Manuel Frigerio
Updated over 8 months ago

Often, the easiest way to fulfil a reward is by sending a coupon code. For example, if you have rewards such as…

  • Any course for $50.

  • $20 credit for our online store.

  • A free copy of my new book.

  • A free branded t-shirt from our merch store.

…it can be a lot of work to manually apply the discount or ask for the shipping address each time someone wins.

Much easier to automatically send the reward winner a coupon code via email, which they can use at checkout to redeem their free or discounted item.

⚠️ Works with Shopify, Stripe, Podia, Teachable, WooCommerce, and more.

Types of coupon codes

SparkLoop allows for two kinds of coupon codes:

  1. Generic coupons: A single, reusable coupon code sent to every winner.

  2. Unique coupons: Multiple, single-use coupon codes, where each winner is sent a unique coupon code.

You can include these coupon codes in reward emails sent via your ESP with the RH_COUPON custom field.

⚠️ Not all checkout platforms support the creation of unique coupons.

Generic coupon codes

A generic coupon code is a coupon code that is the same for every subscriber.

For example: "Get a $10 coupon with code: TEN for our online store when you make 3 referrals!"

This type of coupon is a good option if you’re not worried about subscribers sharing their coupon code, or if the platform that hosts your reward checkout doesn't support generating multiple unique coupon codes.

To create a generic coupon code reward follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the Rewards page in your dashboard and click on the button + Create new reward. (Read these instructions for how to set everything up.)

Step 2: Click on Create reward and you'll be taken to the Reward Fulfilment page.

Step 3: Under Select fulfilment options choose Generic Coupon.

⚠️ You can edit the coupon code at any time but the coupon code won't change for people who have already won the reward.

Unique coupon codes

Unique coupon codes allow you to send single-use coupon codes that are unique to every subscriber who wins a reward.

This means you don't have to worry about people sharing coupon codes with their friends!

How it works

SparkLoop will store the coupon codes you import and automatically assign a new one to each subscriber who wins that reward.

The most-recently-won coupon code for each subscriber is also stored in your ESP as the RH_COUPON custom field.

Coupons have to be unique for each reward tier and SparkLoop will automatically ignore duplicate codes.

To create a unique coupon code reward follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the Rewards page in your dashboard and click on the button + Create new reward. (Read these instructions for how to set everything up.)

Step 2: Click on Create reward and you'll be taken to the Reward Fulfilment page.

Step 3: Under Select fulfilment options choose Unique Coupon.

Step 4: Select a CSV file to upload.

Your CSV file must only contain one column called Code.

Uploading more coupon codes

When your reward is running low on available coupon codes (10% of the coupon codes uploaded or 25, whichever comes first) we will send you an email to remind you to upload more coupon codes.

To upload more coupon codes, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your SparkLoop dashboard and click on Rewards.

  2. Under your reward, click on See fufilment instructions.

  3. Hover on the 3 dots next to Coupon codes available and click on Upload more coupon codes.

  4. Click on Select a CSV file button to upload your CSV file.

  5. Click on Save to save the reward.

Deleting existing coupon codes

Have your coupon codes changed or expired? You can delete your coupon codes from SparkLoop to make sure nobody receives them by mistake.

To delete coupon codes follow these steps:

  1. Go to your SparkLoop dashboard and click on Rewards.

  2. Under your reward, click on See fufilment instructions.

  3. Hover on the 3 dots next to Coupon codes available and click on Delete coupon codes.

  4. A modal window will pop up. Confirm the deletion and all coupon codes will be deleted.

⚠️ SparkLoop will only delete coupon codes that have not been assigned yet. Coupon codes that have already been won will not be deleted.

How to send coupon codes to your subscribers

When a subscriber wins a coupon code, SparkLoop will automatically store this coupon code in the RH_COUPON custom field in your ESP.

To include the coupon code in any email automation via your ESP, insert the merge tag RH_COUPON in your email where you'd like the coupon code to appear.

Here's an example using ConvertKit:

And that’s it. Now your reward coupons are ready to be won and enjoyed by your subscribers.

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